Erotic stories of Becky Brandon

Profile page of Becky Brandon. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Becky Brandon wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 378 times

Taboo: a forbidden romanceTaboo….a forbidden romance. Chapter 1 My well-read school friends called me Rebecca of Ivy House Farm. They said I reminded them of the famous American story book of 1903 where my namesake lived at Sunnybrook. I was a born and bred a farm girl and I grew up to love zoos. These days, everyone knows me as Becky so welcome to my world, When I was fourteen I endorsed the English writer, D H Lawrence, as my literary mentor. He wrote gritty novels and my favourite will always be Lady Chatterley’... reading time 11 mingenre
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